Sex doll lovers are obsessed with busty sex dolls. It is simply assumed that all men like female stereotypes with large breasts, and so, manufacturers of TPE and silicone fantasy playmates design more sex dolls with big cup sizes. The demand for flat chested sex dolls is not that high, but scientific research has proven something very interesting about male buyers who prefer flat-chested sex dolls: they are often more wealthy, more successful and more self-confident than the average guys.
Here are 7 reasons why guys who buy sex dolls with small boobs tend to have a unique and attractive personality themselves:
# 1: Men Who Like Flat Chested Sex Dolls Are Genuinely Good Lovers
• According to a study conducted by the University Of Vienna, small breasts are 24% more sensitive than large breasts. “Larger breasts have more fatty tissue than glandular tissue, which is the most sensitive part,” says sexologist Rachael Ross, MD, PhD. “With smaller breasts, the glands are easier to stimulate during foreplay because they’re not hidden underneath a fatty layer.”
Men who genuinely enjoy giving pleasure to women, get a stronger, better sexual response from females with A Cups in real life, and this preference translates to sex dolls with flat chests when they are shopping for a fantasy partner in online stores.
# 2: A Preference For Flat Chest Sex Dolls Suggests Health And Vitality In Men
• Unlike large boobs, which begin to droop and sag as women start to age (a condition called ptosis), small breasts hold and maintain their perky, anti-gravity shape for a long, long time.
Men who choose to have relationships with A Cup-size women are subliminally attracted to this promise of eternal youth because their own virility and energy for sex is unusually high.
So even when they are shopping for a make-believe play partner, they choose flat-chested sex dolls over the bountiful D Cups because their unconscious mind is always looking for someone whose sexual energy will keep up with their own.
# 3: Men Who Choose Flat Chest Sex Dolls Tend To Be Richer And More Prosperous
• Did you know that small breasts have a stronger psychological appeal for men who are financially well-off?
Yes, believe it or not, but women with small breasts attract more men who are wealthy and “well fed”.
According to British researchers Dr. Viren Swami and Dr. Martin Tovee, men’s levels of “resource security” predict what kind of boobs they like. Their study found that wealthy guys, as well as guys who had just eaten, rated smaller breasts as more attractive.
In contrast, men who are financially poorer and hungrier for food, gravitate towards women with large breasts because full mammary glands signal an “access to surplus nourishment and resources”.
#4: Men Who Buy Flat Chested Sex Dolls Are Not Male Chauvinistic Pigs (MCPs)
• I guess this scientific finding really needed no experimented proof. Men who think of women as inferior human beings whose place is in the kitchen or the bedroom, `barefoot and pregnant’, love obvious signs of femininity like big hair and big boobs.
In contrast, men who seek out partners who are flat chested, tend to show more respect for women as their own equals.
# 5: Men Who Are Attracted To Flat Chested Sex Dolls Have A Deep Sense Of Aesthetics
• Big boobs experience more gravitational pull than small ones. As a result, women who boast cup sizes that are D or more, tend to slouch because their breasts exert a constant forward pull. Small breasts, on the other hand, give women a far better posture and they can carry their bodies more gracefully because they are not having to fight with gravity to stay confidently upright all the time.
Men with a high sense of aesthetics appreciate and admire women with good posture. So their selection often favors sex dolls with small boobs. (By that same token, they are partial to Japanese sex dolls, which typically have smaller, Asian-size breasts.)
# 6: Men Who Look For Sex Dolls With Flat Chests Are Smart And Fashionable Dressers
• Whether in real life or a fantasy one, men will always choose a woman who reflects his social standing, affluence and confidence level. On the whole, women with small breasts look better in fashionable clothes (which is why the runways are full of size zero supermodels with no boobs to ruin the line of the clothes). And men who are elegant dressers themselves want an equally high level of sartorial appeal in their female partner.
# 7: Men Will Purposely Choose A Flat Chest Sex Doll Because They Love To Hug
• Here’s a cute, cuddly fact about men who believe less is more: they are big huggers and love physical intimacy even when they are not in the bedroom.
A flat chest makes hugging a more complete and full body experience. When a man embraces a flat chested woman, he is able to physically come in direct contact with her heart chakra (the love energy center of the body, located in the heart area) and her sacral chakra (feminine energy center of the body located a couple of inches below the navel).
As a result, there is a stronger yin-yang connection established between the two human bodies of the opposite sex, and this promotes deeper empathy, more love and more romance.