5 Reasons Why You Should NOT Be Afraid Of Owning A Realistic Sex Doll


We understand. You love the idea of owning a realistic sex doll, but you’re always afraid that somehow you’ll get caught out. Someone will discover your little secret and judge you for it. Even worse, you worry that some day you will judge yourself.

And so, while you heart and body desires the company of your favorite sex doll like nothing else in the world, your brain is putting roadblocks in your purchase path. And making you afraid…

Well, here are 5 solid reasons that will inspire you to reconsider – and hopefully banish – your fears once and for all:

# 1: Everybody Is Aroused By Realistic Sex Dolls — Or Almost Everybody

 Here’s a truth about realistic sex dolls that you’d better believe: more than 87% of people – both male and female – get deeply aroused when they look at a silicone or a PTE sex doll for the first time.


Well, firstly, because realistic sex dolls are nothing like the cheap, trashy, blow-up balloon dolls that `mainstream’ people always associate sex dolls with.

It is easy to think that having sex with an inflatable piece of rubber is downright creepy. Like something an axe murderer would do in the secrecy of his basement, on days when he couldn’t score a young virgin to rape, kill and stock in his freezer full of corpses. Or a dirty old man would do to assuage his sexual frustrations after spying on high school girls changing in the locker room.

Seeing modern, realistic sex dolls come as a huge shock for most people who have such pre-conceived notions about this product niche.

And when they actually see a modern sex doll, they are faced with what is essentially an incredibly lifelike work of art. A distillation of human beauty and perfection, sculpted into touchable, lovable silicone and TPE bodies…

In these moments, when the element of surprise has taken the conscious, moral guards down, the animal part of the human brain comes to the forefront to cause a deep, uncontrollable spike of intense sexual arousal in most people.

87% of `mainstream’, regular people. Who may even be priests, nuns or judges with impeccably high moral values.

Where are we going with this?

We’re trying to explain to you that the vast majority of adult humans beings are turned on by TPE and silicone sex dolls when they actually see one. Whether they admit it or not.

So your fondness for sex dolls is nothing out of the ordinary. You have seen them more closely than others. And now you want to own your own realistic sex doll.

You’re brave and you are following your heart. What’s to be afraid?

# 2: Realistic Sex Dolls Are Like The `Triple Sundaes’ Of The 15-Billion Dollar Sex Toy Industry

• The adult sex toy market has skyrocketed over the last 5 years. And according to industry estimates, the sex toy market will cross 50 billion dollars by the year 2020.

Realistic sex dolls sit pretty at the tippy top of this market as the high-end, exclusive segment. It is the full-spectrum, full-body experience of piecemeal sexual toys. The triple sundae to all the dildos, vibrators and other vanillas in the ice-cream shop of personal pleasures.

So what’s to be embarrassed about going for the best? What’s to be afraid?


# 3: Sex Toys Are Not A Taboo Subject Anymore

• That’s one great service that 50 Shades Of Grey has done to modern society at large. The incredible popularity of the book, and film, has brought the sex toy conversation to the center-stage and made it a mainstream subject.

For the longest time, sex toys were considered dirty, creepy and forbidden. 50 Shades Of Grey somehow turned that pseudo moral posturing on its head and declared freedom of sexual expression for one and all.

Housewives are no longer afraid to experiment with wearable technology and proudly keep their pink jackrabbits in the bedside table drawer. Office workers give away coupons for Adam And Eve nipple teasers in the break room at lunch. Wives stuff ball rings in their husband’s Christmas stocking and nobody is self-conscious about spending a happy browsing products at their local Lovers store.

Sex toys are no longer a secret hobby. They are an intrinsic part of the modern lifestyle. And you, as a realistic sex doll lover, represent the high connoisseurs of the community. So what’s to be afraid?

# 4: Online Shopping For Realistic Sex Dolls Is A Highly Confidential Affair

• You can order your first realistic sex doll with complete confidence because retailers and manufacturers take your privacy very seriously. No credit card bills and statements will ever reveal the nature of your purchase. The shipping and handling of your sex doll will be conducted with 100% anonymity. Nobody will ever find out that you own a sex doll – unless you tell them yourself. So what’s to be afraid?

# 5: You Are Not Special — Or Alone — In Your Desire To Own A Realistic Sex Doll

• If you only knew the staggering number of people who go online to buy realistic sex dolls every single day. We know of young, successful 30-something Wall Street brokers who keep their sex dolls stashed in an office cupboard because they don’t have time to make real world girlfriends. Recently divorced or separated men who use sex dolls for satiation and companionship while they heal and recover enough to jump into the dating pool again. Married couples who introduce realistic sex dolls in their bedroom to spice up their marital relationships without worry of infidelity or STD. We even know of playboys who sharpen their bedroom skills with sex dolls before they go impressing real world women with their accomplishments.

These are all normal, respected, successful individuals in the community who can see the value of owning a sex doll without getting influenced by what other people may think in their narrow-mindedness and ignorance.

Yes, so you are not special, or alone, in your desire to own a sex doll. Now go out and treat yourself to one. Why are you wasting time being afraid?

