Privacy Policy

At, we are dedicated to protecting your privacy. If you voluntarily share any information with us – such as your name and e-mail address – we would never sell or share your personal details.

Trust, confidentiality and confidence are 3 pillars on which the sex doll community stands, and as a web magazine within the sector, we are vigilant about the same.

Facetious/Irresponsible porn material is not encouraged. The intention of this magazine is to create high-quality content for entertainment and information for serious sex doll buyers ONLY. Our goal is to help a serious sex doll buyer make an informed decision about his/her purchase. Any multi-media content of an adult nature is included ONLY for this purpose.

While we do not review products as such, we do share affiliate relationships with top retailers in the industry, which allows us to give you a viewing of a cross-section of the best sex doll products in the market. This magazine is not an e-commerce, and therefore does not sell any product personally.

Under-age viewing of this website is absolutely not allowed. All content on this website is for ADULT viewing only.