5 Breathing Techniques To Control Premature Ejaculation With Realistic Sex Dolls


A lot of new doll-owners talk to our therapists about the problem they are having with premature ejaculation during intimate moments with their realistic sex dolls.

This is not uncommon. The astounding beauty and physical perfection of realistic sex dolls is an incredible turn-on, and when people actually buy one, the excitement of having sex with such a lifelike doll girl is uncontrollable. So, if you are not being able to last very long during the initial weeks, we believe that is not a really big concern.

However, if premature ejaculation continues with your realistic sex doll, then you can try using some tantric breathing techniques to help you prolong the pleasure.

Our therapists have helped a lot of sex doll owners manage and time their ejaculation this way, and we hope the techniques will help you too. They are all safe – and even rewarding — for your general health and vitality, and they don’t cost a penny!

Tantric Breath Techniques To Last Longer With Realistic Sex Dolls

Breathing Technique # 1:

During sex, a majority of men start to breathe shallowly and inhale and exhale through their mouth. Practice breathing deeply through the nose instead. Let the breath travel deep to the pit of the stomach and hold it for a couple of seconds before you exhale. By consciously doing this, you can slow down your breathing, and gain better equilibrium, which is turn will discourage premature ejaculation.

Breathing Technique # 2:

• Vary the tempo of your breaths. Close your eyes and consciously take in a slow, deep breath every 30 seconds or so.  This will break the rhythm, and the peaking build-up of sexual tension will drop down automatically.


Breathing Technique # 3:

Another method is to deep gaze at some object in the room for 6-10 seconds. For example, if you feel you are quickly approaching climax, force your glance to settle on some object in the room – like a picture on the wall or a table or whatever – and bring your full attention to it. Breath deeply through your nose as you stare at the object. Then you bring your attention back to your realistic sex doll. You will notice that the urgency to ejaculate has decreased significantly.

Breathing Technique # 4:

Focus on a word that has no sexual connotation for you. For example, your office desk. Close your eyes and breathe deeply through the nose. Visualize your office desk in great detail. Remember how it looked when you left this evening – the file of papers that will need sorting tomorrow, the coffee cup you forgot to rinse, a framed picture of your family etc. See the table in your mind’s eye as clearly as possible. After about 10 seconds, open your eyes. The deep breathing will have helped you focus on the desk, and now it has taken the edge right off your approaching climax!

Breathing Technique # 5:

Do this breathing pattern as you are having intercourse with your sex doll. Exhale deeply as you thrust inside. Inhale deeply as you pull out. Match your inhalation and exhalation pattern like this to your body’s rhythm. You will last a whole lot longer without ejaculating prematurely.

The wonderful thing about realistic sex dolls is that they are inanimate. In a sexual relationship with a living woman, you might feel awkward and self-conscious to practice these breathing techniques because you will be worried what they are thinking.

With your doll, you have no such worries. In fact, if you practice these methods with your realistic sex doll often enough, you will train your body to delay ejaculation when you’re having sex with a real woman too!
